One Place I Love

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas is Over
Am I the only one who is happy that Christmas is over? Sometimes I think I am. I use to love Christmas but now, not so much. It is very stressful and there is so much to do. I use to put a tree up in every room, now I am lucky to get one up. Plus, it's no fun doing all of the Christmas stuff alone. How much more fun it would be with a husband and large family. Though, I know having a large family isn't always fun either! This year, no Christmas cards were sent. I am going to try to send New Years cards. We will see if I get that done. I did get a new laptop for Christmas. That was nice so now maybe I will keep up with my blog. We will see!
5 Random Things About Me
1. I am a reality TV junkie. Yes, I watch most of the reality shows. I can't help it! Now, Big Brother I have never gotten in to and Survivor I am bored with anymore, but Project Runway, I Love Money, Design Star, Rock of Love, Flipping Out, Intervention, Shear Genius, etc, I watch over and over again!
2. I enjoy mowing my yard. I know no one believes that one, but I do, I really do! It gives me about 45 minutes of uninterrupted time to think!
3. I use to be such a tomboy. You could always find me in a pool doing weird dives and jumps off of the high dive or up in a tree. I also loved playing any kind of sport in the side yard.
4. I want to buy a motorcycle or a good scooter. I think that would be so much fun. I am so not the type though and I think it wold surprise everyone if one day I showed up on a motorcycle or a scooter!
5. I feel as if I am at some kind of crossroad in my life. I have no idea what is to come, but I think there is something out there that will happen soon. I'm not thinking gloom and doom, just change.
2. I enjoy mowing my yard. I know no one believes that one, but I do, I really do! It gives me about 45 minutes of uninterrupted time to think!
3. I use to be such a tomboy. You could always find me in a pool doing weird dives and jumps off of the high dive or up in a tree. I also loved playing any kind of sport in the side yard.
4. I want to buy a motorcycle or a good scooter. I think that would be so much fun. I am so not the type though and I think it wold surprise everyone if one day I showed up on a motorcycle or a scooter!
5. I feel as if I am at some kind of crossroad in my life. I have no idea what is to come, but I think there is something out there that will happen soon. I'm not thinking gloom and doom, just change.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Holiday Time
I am amazed that it is time for the holidays. Turkey, trees, bulbs, decorating, shopping, wrapping, baking, on and on and on. Where did fall go? It seems like just yesterday it was summer and I was waiting for school to start. Now we are half way through the second nine weeks and it is time for Christmas! Black Friday? Not for me. I did buy my first gift today...a gift card. Boy that was hard! No it is time to think about what to get everyone and who to actually buy for. I plan on not spending too much so we will see.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Back from Camp Oty'Okwa
Well, I am back from 5th grade camp. Each year we take the kids to camp in the Hocking Hills. This year...I wasn't sure we were going. On Sunday night, we had a horrible wind storm...remnants of Hurricane Ike...and power was out all over Ohio. I thought for sure it would also be out at camp especially if it was out here, but no, they had power so we were on our way. We left on Tuesday morning even though we didn't have school in the district. What fun we had, The weather was beautiful, the kids were great, the counselors were awesome, and we had no major accidents. Here are some of my favorite camp moments this year:
- Tommy always walking around in the dining hall with a fork full of meat.
- Getting peed on in the face by "Centi".
- Listening to Hunter sing..."Apple bottom jeans with the boots with the fur...".
- Getting my annual hug from Bob.
- Listening to Jonah talk about the "Silver Beaver".
- Laughing until I cried.
- Holding a 40 pound snake. ( Mom would have hated that one!)
- Finding out that little baby ring-neck snakes play dead until you try to pick them up! Right Tracy?
- Seeing kids that might not be good in the regular school environment excel at camp!
Leaving camp was hard this year. Deb and Bob are retiring and won't be with us next year. Tom is also retiring and Jonah is leaving for dental school. It will be different next year. I guess the torch has been passed.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly has started and I both hate it and love it at the same time. I love getting back into some type of a schedule. I also love seeing my friends on a daily basis. I love the kids. My class is pretty good, talky, but sweet. Also, big, I have 28 kids in a tiny little room. UGH! I hate getting up in the morning even though it hasn't been too bad so far. I also hate the drama! There is so much drama at school that I can't hardly stand it anymore. I am choosing to stay in my room and avoid certain areas and people. That is really hard considering I use to love my school. Things need to change and there is nothing I can do about it. We use to be a family, but not anymore. It is so sad. What a loss.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Life Goes On

Well, I found my first caterpillar. I've looked and looked through my milkweed and haven't been able to find any Monarch caterpillars. I was starting to believe that they left me this year, but I kept hoping. Day after day, I would check the milkweed to no avail, until Thursday. I saw her, a huge caterpillar who is about ready to make her chrysalis. Since then, I have found seven more, so I know there are a lot more out there. I am so happy. Mom loves the caterpillars. She was amazed at how they were caterpillars, then a chrysalis, then emerge a beautiful Monarch butterfly. She loved to watch them emerging them waiting as their wings dried. It is an amazing site. This all brings me closer to Mom. I miss her so, think about her daily, and wish she was here to watch our Monarchs emerge.
Friday, August 1, 2008
10 Things to Be Happy About Right Now

1. There are a few weeks left of summer vacation!
2. There is a fair somewhere going on right now where you can go and eat fair food to your heart's content!
3. Sleeping in until whenever...even during the week!
4. Fresh fruit and vegetables at a roadside stand.
5. Friends that stick by you even when it is tough.
6. A good chick lit book...The Saving Graces for one!
7. Air conditioning!
8. My hosta that are about ready to bloom so my yard will smell wonderful!
9. Bella greeting me at the door with a "meow."
10.Gas prices that are a little lower than the beginning of the summer.
Stop and Notice

People are always rushing around saying they don't have enough time. I am one of those people lately. I feel as if I am on the go constantly. These last few weeks before school starts up again, I want to slow down. That is hard for me to do at times. I went out in the yard to water today and I stopped to take a close look at my Passion flowers. They attract June bugs...uck!...but also fabulous bees. Huge ones at that. So I ran in and got my camera. I love taking pictures of my flowers and even have quite a few up on my walls. I wanted to capture these beautiful bees at work. It amazes me that they know exactly what to do. And if it were not for them, there are so many beautiful things on oour Earth that would no longer grow. Stop, take a breath, and take a look at your surroundings. What little thing is at work there that you have never noticed before?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Rainy Day

I love a rainy day. It lets me be lazy without the guilt. It's best when it rains all day, but a few hours will also do. I love getting out a book and reading while the rain hits the living room windows. I also love being curled up on the couch with a blanket covering me and a cat on my hip watching a good chick flick. A rainy day also gives my flowers and plants a much needed drink...and I don't have to do the watering! A slow steady rain during the night is the ultimate! Listening to the rain patting the roof lulls me to sleep and if I awake during the night, it is so soothing. We need a few more rainy days in the near future!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Time Alone

I treasure my time alone. You would think that as a single person, I would have a lot of time alone. Not so! I feel like I run, run, then run some more and I am never spending time in my house alone. I love to be alone, with a book, magazine, movie, or with just the cats. I hate feeling like all I do is sleep here, and that is how I have been feeling lately. Tomorrow should be a day for time alone. Let's hope!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
One Single Rose

I have never had a rose open as beautifully as this one. I was given this rose from a former student at Cabaret this year. The seniors give roses to someone special that is in the audience and he gave me his. I cherished that moment and brought the rose home to put in a vase. I never dreamed it would open as perfectly as it did. Another small gift from God that could be easily missed if we didn't stop to look at the roses!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Beauty is Right Where you are Looking
Beauty is everywhere in this world. From the majestic Grand Canyon and the red rocks of Sedona to the flowers you planted in your backyard. From a volcano erupting at night on a Hawaiian island to a vine pushing its way through the bricks of a sidewalk. From a giant tree in a local yard that has been there forever with it's new leaves opening in the spring to that same tree in the fall with it's leaves changing colors and falling to a fresh mowed lawn. I am trying to look for beauty in my everyday life. I look at the sweet faces of my Bella, Gabby, and Mackenzie and I see beauty. I walk out my backdoor and I see all of the flowers I have planted and I can't help but smile a little smile at the beauty I have added to my world. As I drive down the road, I see beauty in the architecture of the old houses that are all around. I thank God for the little bits of beauty He gave us. As we hurry through our world, we need to take a breath and look at the beauty all around.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Take the Steps
Take the steps can mean many different things. You can take it literally, and physically take the steps when you are going somewhere. It can also mean taking the right steps in putting something together...directions. I am trying to "Take the Steps" in my life. First, I am walking and trying to take "steps" every day. I may not go fast or too far, but they are steps that I am taking. I am also "Taking the Steps" when it comes my health. I am trying to take steps to be a more healthy me. That is a lot for me. I want to eat healthier, protein, fruits, veggies...limit carbs some if that is possible for a carb-o-holic! I am getting up when I awake rather than just staying in bed for hours. I an trying to not watch as much TV...damn those reality shows! I am reading more. Taking the steps, day by day, can make those changes that need to be made. So..."Take the Steps" "One Day at a Time."
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Family Vacation
It can be very tiring going on a family vacation when you are use to living alone...with three cats! The week leading up to the trip was very unexciting until I had to take my car in to have two recalls fixed. I ended up with a rental car! The recalls went great, but they needed to fix a "boot" under my left front axle. $320 later, it was fixed and I was on my way home. I kept hearing a strange noise and thought I was just crazy. I called Byers back and took the car back in and they heard it too. They had no idea what was wrong, so they kept my car and gave ma a Jetta to drive. I wasn't really happy, but I ended up liking the Jetta. Who would of thought?
I arrive to pick up my dad at 3:00 head to the beach. We meet with the White family an hour later and we are on our way. Girls in my car, and boys in the other car...that was good planning! The trip down was uneventful. The condo was great with lots of room and the beach was spectacular! Who knew that in such a wonderful place, being around people 24/7 could drive you crazy! At least Tami and I got to have alone time. I complain about being single, but I need to remember to cherish those alone times when I can just sit and read with no interruptions or noise. When I can watch whatever shows I want. When I can eat or not eat when I want. When I can go to bed or get up when I want. I guess I am selfish, but after 43 years of being alone, it is what you get use to!
I know it sounds like I was unhappy on the trip. I wasn't. I loved it. We had a wonderful time laying on the beach, soaking up the sun and surf. I had fun playing in the water and trying to ride the boogie board! I loved going out to eat with everyone. We laughed and laughed and did some bitching on the side too. Who wouldn't with men there! The fireworks on the beach were great! (Even though we were nearly killed by roving fireworks!) Everywhere you looked along the shore, there were fireworks. Many memories were made and overall, a family trip can be tiring, but it is all worth it in the end!
I arrive to pick up my dad at 3:00 head to the beach. We meet with the White family an hour later and we are on our way. Girls in my car, and boys in the other car...that was good planning! The trip down was uneventful. The condo was great with lots of room and the beach was spectacular! Who knew that in such a wonderful place, being around people 24/7 could drive you crazy! At least Tami and I got to have alone time. I complain about being single, but I need to remember to cherish those alone times when I can just sit and read with no interruptions or noise. When I can watch whatever shows I want. When I can eat or not eat when I want. When I can go to bed or get up when I want. I guess I am selfish, but after 43 years of being alone, it is what you get use to!
I know it sounds like I was unhappy on the trip. I wasn't. I loved it. We had a wonderful time laying on the beach, soaking up the sun and surf. I had fun playing in the water and trying to ride the boogie board! I loved going out to eat with everyone. We laughed and laughed and did some bitching on the side too. Who wouldn't with men there! The fireworks on the beach were great! (Even though we were nearly killed by roving fireworks!) Everywhere you looked along the shore, there were fireworks. Many memories were made and overall, a family trip can be tiring, but it is all worth it in the end!
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